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Dr Deepti Asthana

Vaginal Birth in IVF Pregnancy: Possibility & Risks

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • Although IVF pregnancies are often considered high-risk, it does not necessarily mean that vaginal delivery is impossible.
  • Factors like advanced age, multiple pregnancies, fetal position, and prolonged labor can increase the chances of a C-section, but with proper care and proactive measures, vaginal delivery is still achievable.
  • Regular physical activity, a balanced diet, and regular prenatal checkups are crucial for a healthy pregnancy and can increase the chances of a natural vaginal delivery.

The advancement of technologies and recent research have brought a revolutionary change in reproductive medicine. The word In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is no longer an alien medical term. IVF is such a miraculous gift to couples who are continuously struggling to have a baby. Most of the women who conceive through IVF often believe that they’ll end up with a C-section delivery. It is False! Although IVF pregnancies are usually high - risk but, it doesn’t affect the possibility of normal vaginal delivery.

Dr Deepti Asthana, director at Kalosa Gyne Clinic and the best high-risk pregnancy specialist in Gurgaon says, “Giving birth vaginally or normally is unaffected by the method of conception” because IVF pregnancy is as same as a normal pregnancy.

Read the full post to understand the possibility, factors affecting normal delivery, and ways to enhance chances of vaginal birth.

Possibility of having Normal Delivery with IVF
Yes, an IVF mother can give birth naturally. While many women who become pregnant through IVF have successful vaginal deliveries, there are still chances of cesarean sections in IVF pregnancies compared to those conceived naturally due to certain complications. These complications are largely due to factors such as multiple pregnancies (twins or more), the age of the mother, and pre-existing health conditions, which can also be present in natural pregnancies.

Factors that Impact Mode of Delivery in IVF Pregnancy
IVF is one of the safest procedures to get pregnant. However, this claim only gets justified depending on the patient’s health state because if the patient suffers from any pre-existing chronic disease or any high-risk complications, it could ultimately hinder the delivery process.
Let’s overview the factors that promote cesarean section in those who have conceived through the IVF process.

Advanced Age Pregnancy
The age of the mother plays a significant role in the success of normal delivery. As the age increases, the chance of having a natural birth reduces due to several complications. Therefore, patients above age 35 certainly have a higher chance of cesarean section than younger patients.

Multiple Fetus
Women who got pregnant through IVF technology are more likely to deliver twins or triplets compared to natural pregnancies. Since the health risks are high for both the mother and the baby, the probability of having a vaginal delivery decreases with multiple gestations. Fortunately, there is a growing number of IVF babies born from singleton pregnancies, reducing the likelihood of such cases.

Fetal Position Inside Womb
For having successful Vaginal delivery in Gurgaon, your baby’s position should be head-down towards the birth canal. If the baby’s head position is misaligned, then gynaecologists recommend a C-section to ensure safe delivery.

Prolonged Labor
When a woman is nearing the delivery of her baby and has been experiencing labor pains for 20 hours or more, her labor is considered stalled. Approximately 33% of deliveries that require a C-section are because the labor process is prolonged and challenging for the mother.

Strategies to Enhance Chances of Vaginal Delivery in IVF Pregnancy
During the IVF pregnancy journey, many people and couples hope to improve the likelihood of having a vaginal birth. Although there are no certainties, there are strategies that may raise the chances of natural vaginal delivery. By following the below proactive steps, women can improve their well-being, prepare their bodies for childbirth, and consult well-versed healthcare professionals to enhance the possibility of a normal delivery post-IVF.

Have Regular Physical Activity
According to a gynaecologist, 30 minutes of moderate to little intense physical activity can help promote fetal positioning and induce women’s bodies to labor. Regular physical activity is a great way to maintain weight during the pregnancy journey, which ultimately helps support normal delivery; it also improves posture, reduces stress, and maintains blood pressure.

Have a Balanced Diet
Having balanced and nutritious food can eventually promote healthy pregnancy and reduce the chances of excessive weight gain. As discussed, gaining more weight than required for childbirth can enhance the risk of C-section delivery. Other than that, try to include lots of veggies, seasonal fruits, healthy fats, and lean protein in your diet. In addition, consume as much liquid as possible to stay hydrated.

Visit Your Gynae Often for Pre-natal Care
Attending regular prenatal checkups is crucial during an IVF pregnancy to ensure a smooth and healthy delivery. Pre-natal care will help monitor your health and the growth of the fetus. Moreover, it will help address present or upcoming complications.

Wrap Up
Pregnancies through the IVF process can likely lead to normal vaginal birth, similar to natural conception. However, the likelihood of a spontaneous delivery is influenced by several factors, including the mother's health, age, fetal well-being, and pre-existing medical history. Keep in mind that every pregnancy is different, and factors affecting the delivery method may change throughout the pregnancy.

So, to maximize your chance of having a normal delivery through IVF, consult a qualified and experienced IVF doctor and gynecologist. Dr Deepti Asthana is a leading gynecologist in Gurgaon and the director at Kalosa Gyne Clinic as well as a Senior Consultant at FMRI, Gurgaon. She is the best delivery doctor in Gurgaon and the best pregnancy doctor in Fortis Hospital, Gurugram. With several years of experience in this field, she ensures that you receive the best treatment that will smooth your IVF pregnancy journey.

You can make an appointment today to discuss your fertility options with our team.

Dr Deepti Asthana
Dr Deepti Asthana
Dr. Deepti Asthana is senior gynecologist and obstetrician in fortis hospital Gurgaon.
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